I’m seriously blown away at having 20 subs in such a short time! I am thankful to everyone who was kind enough to look at my writing and enjoy it.
As of today (12/27/23) I have linked my SubStack with my Stripe account!
This means that a lot of the content that was once viewable now will not be.
The first chapters for each book and my Iron Age prompts will be readable and free. Chapters after that will be available for a limited time to view, then only for paid subs.
I will also be posting other content from future scenes and ideas that will come later in the series.
If you would like to support me, there is a monthly 5-dollar option. A yearly 60-dollar sub with some sweet deals and gifts and a 180 for founding members will open the creative door for Original characters that you may be inspired to see in the series!
Now I’m not much of a business guy, just a creator. But I would love to have yall support me and see this thing flourish!
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